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Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e60681, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428368


Wooden breast myopathy (WB) strongly affects the poultry industry mainly in terms of consumers rejection and economical loses, due to morphological changes in broiler muscle tissue and consequently low meat quality. The aim of this study is to evaluate the histomorphometry of muscle fibers of breast fillets of broilers with severity levels of WB myopathy. The histological evaluation considered 30 samples of the pectoralis major muscle and the level of WB myopathy (ten normal fillets, ten moderate fillets, and ten severe fillets). Fillets with a severe level of WB present low average fiber number, high average fiber diameter, low percentage of fibers with diameter of less than 20 µm, low percentage of fibers with diameter between 20 and 40 µm, and high percentage of fibers with diameter between 40 and 70 µm. Fiber cross-sectional area is greater in fillets affected by moderate and severe WB. Thus, fillets with a severe level of WB damage the muscle fiber structure and contribute more severely to the degenerative processes of breast meat.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Fibras Musculares de Contração Rápida/fisiologia , Carne , Doenças Musculares/veterinária
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 22(1): 78-84, mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1426346


Polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM) is a genetic disorder or by undetermined cause characterized by the abnormal accumulation of glycogen and polysaccharides in skeletal muscle fibers. The present report describes two Percheron horses, from different properties in the municipality of Pouso Redondo -SC, with locomotor clinical signs that started after work. The clinical signs observed were rigid gait, mainly of the pelvic limbs, muscle weakness, and recumbency. In the first case, the animal was diagnosed with severe multifocal rhabdomyonecrosis, moderate multifocal myoglobin nephrosisand severe diffuse transmural fibrinonecrotic gastritis. PSSM was confirmed by the presence of polysaccharide inclusions in myofiber sarcolemma visualized by periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining. In the second case, the horse presented two episodes ofmuscle disorder after work. The therapeutic protocol was based on penicillin, flunixin meglumine and fluid therapy with ringer lactate. An increase in creatine kinase (669.0 UI/L) and aspartate aminotransferase (669.0 UI/L) was observed in the serum biochemical evaluation. Research for mutation in the GYS1 gene was performed, with a positive heterozygote result. After rest and gradual recovery, the horse was only submitted to light work, with no return of the clinical condition since then. Thus, this report describes two cases of PSSM with distinct clinical evolution and diagnostic methods.(AU)

A miopatia por acúmulo de polissacarídeos (PSSM) é uma desordem genética ou de causa indeterminada caracterizada pelo acúmulo anormal de glicogênio e polissacarídeos nas fibras musculares esqueléticas. O presente relato descreve dois cavalos Percheron, oriundos de diferentes propriedades do município de Pouso Redondo ­SC, com sinais clínicos locomotores que iniciaram após o trabalho. Os sinais clínicos observados foram marcha rígida, principalmente dos membros pélvicos, fraqueza muscular, e decúbito. No primeiro caso, o animal foi diagnosticado com rabdomionecrose multifocal acentuada, nefrose mioglobínica multifocal moderada e gastrite fibrinonecrótica transmural difusa acentuada. A PSSM foi confirmada pela presença de inclusões polissacarídicas no sarcolema de miofibras visualizadas pela coloração com ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS). No segundo caso, o equino apresentou dois episódios de disfunção muscular após o trabalho. O protocolo terapêutico foi baseado em penicilina, flunixin megluminee fluidoterapia com ringer lactato. Um aumento de creatina quinase (669,0 UI/L) e aspartato aminotransferase (669,0 UI/L) foi observado na avaliação bioquímica sérica. Foi realizada pesquisa de mutação nogene GYS1, com resultado heterozigoto positivo. Após repouso e recuperação gradual, o cavalo foi submetido apenas a trabalhos leves, sem retorno do quadro clínico desde então. Assim, este relato descreve dois casos com PSSM com evolução clínica e métodos diagnósticos distintos.(AU)

Animais , Polissacarídeos/análise , Cavalos , Doenças Musculares/patologia , Brasil
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e271913, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439634


Rhodnius neglectus is a wild triatomine, vector of the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes Chagas' disease, and feeds on the blood of small mammals, being essential for its growth and reproduction. Accessory glands of the female reproductive tract are important in insect reproduction, but their anatomy and histology in R. neglectus are poorly studied. The aim of this work was to describe the histology and histochemistry of the accessory gland of the female reproductive tract of R. neglectus. The reproductive tract of five females of R. neglectus was dissected and the accessory glands transferred to Zamboni's fixative solution, dehydrated in a crescent series of ethanol, embedded in historesin, sectioned at 2 µm thick, stained with toluidine blue for histological analysis or mercury bromophenol blue for detection of total proteins. The accessory gland R. neglectus is tubular, without branches, opening in the dorsal region of the vagina and differing along its length in proximal and distal regions. In the proximal region, the gland is lined by the cuticle with a layer of columnar cells associated with muscle fibers. In the distal region of the gland, the epithelium has spherical secretory cells with terminal apparatus and conducting canaliculi opening in the lumen through pores in the cuticle. Proteins were identified in the gland lumen, terminal apparatus, nucleus and cytoplasm of secretory cells. The histology of the R. neglectus gland is similar to that found in other species of this genus, but with variations in the shape and size of its distal region.

Rhodnius neglectus é um triatomíneo silvestre, vetor do protozoário Trypanosoma cruzi, causador da doença de Chagas. Este inseto se alimenta do sangue de pequenos mamíferos, que é essencial para o seu crescimento e reprodução. As glândulas acessórias do sistema reprodutor feminino são importantes na reprodução de insetos, mas sua anatomia e histologia em R. neglectus são pouco conhecidas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever a histologia e histoquímica da glândula acessória do aparelho reprodutor feminino de R. neglectus. O sistema reprodutor de cinco fêmeas de R. neglectus foi dissecado e as glândulas acessórias transferidas para solução fixadora de Zamboni, desidratadas em série crescente de etanol, embebidas em historesina, seccionadas com 2 µm de espessura, coradas com azul de toluidina para análise histológica ou submetidas ao teste de mercúrio-bromofenol para detecção de proteínas totais. O sistema reprodutor de R. neglectus tem uma glândula acessória tubular, sem ramificações, abrindo-se na região dorsal da vagina, sendo diferenciada em regiões proximal e distal. Na região proximal, a glândula é revestida internamente pela cutícula com uma camada de células colunares associadas a fibras musculares. Na região distal ocorrem células secretoras esféricas com aparato terminal e canalículos condutores que se abrem no lúmen da glândula através de poros na cutícula. O teste histoquímico revelou a presença de proteínas no lúmen da glândula e no aparato terminal, núcleo e citoplasma das células secretoras. A histologia da glândula de R. neglectus é semelhante à das espécies desse gênero, mas com variações na forma e no tamanho de sua região distal.

Reprodução , Rhodnius/anatomia & histologia , Doença de Chagas , Genitália Feminina
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(11): e20210444, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1375138


This study assessed whether the meat tenderness of broilers raised in a free-range system varies by sex, lineage, and age at the time of slaughter. Physicochemical parameters were measured to adequately assess breast and thigh muscle morphometry, including shear force (SF), muscle fibre diameter (MD), histological connective tissue (HCT) content, and total and soluble collagen contents (TCC and SCC, respectively). The experiment was conducted with a completely randomized design using two lineages (Pescoço Pelado and Paraíso Pedrês), with specimens of both sexes raised in a free-range system. Randomly selected broilers were slaughtered at 65, 75, 85, and 95 days old. A total of 192 birds were analysed. SF values correlated positively with age. The highest SF values were measured in thighs of the Pescoço Pelado lineage. Age also showed a positive correlation with MD and HCT content of the breast regardless of lineage. Gender did not have any significant correlation with physical parameters; although, higher values were measured in thighs of the Paraíso Pedrês than in those of the Pescoço Pelado lineage. There were no significant differences among treatments regarding the SCC and TCC of thighs and breasts. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed relationships between SF and the rest of the measured attributes. PCA showed that age was positively correlated with the SF, MD, and HCT content of thighs and breasts. In contrast, SCC and TCC had negative correlations. The greatest breast and thigh MD values were associated with the least tender meat. Thus, age at the time of slaughter proved to be the most significant parameter impacting the physical characteristics of muscle morphometry and meat tenderness of breasts and thighs of broilers raised in a free-range system.

Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os fatores relacionados a maciez da carne de frangos criados em sistema alternativo. Para o experimento foi avaliado a força de cisalhamento, diâmetro das fibras musculares do peito e da coxa, conteúdo de tecido conjuntivo através de histologia e teor de colágeno solúvel e total. O experimento foi executado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC) com uso de duas linhagens (Pescoço Pelado e Paraíso Pedrês) de ambos os sexos (macho e fêmea) e abatidos em quatro idades (65, 75, 85 e 95 dias), criados em sistema alternativo, sendo utilizado um total de 192 aves. Para força de cisalhamento (FC), ocorreu aumento nos valores em ambos os cortes em função da idade de abate e houve interação entre linhagem e sexo, com as maiores médias para os machos da linhagem Pescoço Pelado e diferença entre sexo para Paraíso Pedrês. A idade de abate influenciou o diâmetro das fibras musculares e o conteúdo de tecido conjuntivo do peito e da coxa, havendo aumento linear destes parâmetros em função da idade ao abate. O sexo não afetou o diâmetro das fibras musculares da coxa, enquanto na linhagem Paraíso Pedrês foram verificadas maiores médias em relação à Pescoço Pelado. A análise de componentes principais demonstrou a relação entre a força de cisalhamento e as demais variáveis analisadas. Assim, o aumento do diâmetro das fibras musculares do peito e da coxa também está relacionado à redução da maciez da carne de frangos caipiras, conjuntamente com o aumento da quantidade de tecido conjuntivo, teor de colágeno total e redução de sua solubilidade.

Colágeno/análise , Fibras Musculares Esqueléticas , Tecido Conjuntivo , Carne/análise , Galinhas
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): 770, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363801


Background: Hemangiosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm of endothelial cells with an infiltrative growth pattern. Hemangiosarcomas are frequently reported in canines and rare in felines, sheep, goats, swine, horses and cattle. Few cases of hemangiosarcoma were reported in cattle. In the present report, we describe the clinicopathological findings of a bovine muscle hemangiosarcoma. Case: A 6-year-old, Girolando cow from the Dairy Cattle Sector of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ), Seropédica, presented sternal decubitus. Clinical signs were markedly pale mucous membranes, moderate dehydration, respiratory distress, and increased heart rate. The hematological examination revealed intense regenerative anemia. Due to the worsening of the clinical condition, the cow was submitted to euthanasia. The necropsy and collection of various fragments of organs were performed, which were sent to the "Setor de Anatomia Patológica" (SAP-UFRRJ). Tissues were fixed in 10 % buffered formalin, routinely processed for histology and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE). The external mucous membranes were markedly pale. Multifocal areas of 1.5 x 1.0 cm, irregular and dark red were observed dissecting the quadratus lumborum muscle (hemangiosarcoma) fibers. These neoplasms were associated with an extensive cruoric clot adhered to the muscle fibers. The extensive, red, friable mass measured approximately 76 x 55 x 20 cm on the serous surfaces of the organs of the peritoneal cavity (hemoperitoneum). The spleen was moderately reduced. The bone marrow was markedly pale. Histologically, it was observed that there was an extensive proliferation of endothelial cells in the quadratus lumbar muscle mass dissecting the epimysium and perimysium. Endothelial cells had moderate pleomorphism, organized in vascular channels and forming multifocally solid areas with a significant amount of eosinophilic fibrillar material (fibrin). Sections of muscle neoplasm were subjected to immunohistochemistry with anti-von Willebrand factor primary antibody, which showed a multifocal moderate cytoplasmic immunolabeling of neoplastic endothelial cells. Discussion: There are few reports of striated muscle hemangiosarcoma in cattle. Muscular hemangiosarcomas were reported in a 4-month-old calf in the left cervical trapezius muscle and a 6-year-old Holstein cow with left pelvic limb mass lateral and distal to the knee. Some reports presented hemangiosarcoma in the iliopsoas muscle, left cervical trapezius muscle, pelvic limb muscles and right cervical muscle of the bovine. In the presented report, hemoperitoneum occurred as a result of hemorrhages from muscle hemangiosarcoma. Other studies have demonstrated cavity hemorrhages in joint, pelvic, pleural and cranial cavities associated with hemangiosarcoma. Hemangiosarcoma with regenerative anemia must be distinguished from other diseases that cause anemia. The main differential diagnoses of bovine with anemia are vena cava syndrome, coumarin derivatives poisoning, acute poisoning by Pteridium spp., tick fever, anaplasmosis, babesiosis and trypanosomiasis. Hemangiosarcoma should be differentiated from other lesions as hemangioma, vascular tumor of lymphatic endothelium and perivascular wall tumors. Cases with poorly differentiated morphology should be submitted for immunohistochemistry. In the present hemangiosarcoma case, we have used the von Willebrand factor for immunohistochemistry diagnosis. Expression of angiogenic growth factors such as CD31, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1) have also been used in the diagnosis of vascular proliferation lesions. Hemangiosarcoma in cattle should be included mainly in the differential diagnosis of diseases that cause acute anemia in cattle.

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Neoplasias Musculares/veterinária , Hemoperitônio/veterinária , Anemia/veterinária , Hemangiossarcoma/veterinária , Região Lombossacral/patologia , Neoplasias Pélvicas/veterinária
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 21(4): 481-488, dez. 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413547


This study aims to investigate the effect of different periods of fasting and re-feeding on compensatory responses in Nile tilapia fingerlings and the frequency of muscle fiber distribution. A total of 108 Nile tilapia fingerlings with initial weight of 1.64 ± 0.41 g and mean initial length of 3.60 ± 0.39 cm were used for 55 days. The fish were distributed in a water recirculation system in a completely randomized design with three treatments and four replications: Control - CO - (fish fed until apparent satiation throughout the experimental period); fasting 10 - J10 - (fish fed to apparent satiation for 15 days, followed by 10 days of fasting and re-feeding to satiation for 30 days); and fasting 15 - J15 - (fish fed to apparent satiation for 15 days, followed by 15 days of fasting and re-feeding to satiation for 25 days). Fish from the J15 treatment showed unsatisfactory results in terms of productive performance (p<0.05), such as lower final weight, apparent feed conversion, protein efficiency ratio, and survival, while fish from the J10 treatment achieved the same results as those animals kept in the CO treatment with the exception of the variables of relative weight gain and feed intake. Furthermore, food restriction directly influenced the growth of muscle fibers with a diameter smaller than 20 µm (p<0.05), and fish from the J15 treatment had the lowest frequency of fibers in this diameter class. Therefore, this study concludes that food restriction in short periods (10 days) and at low temperatures can present a compensatory growth, as they alter the process of hyperplasia and hypertrophy of muscle fibers without affecting the morphology of the fibers; however, 15 days of fasting under low temperatures do not compensate for growth and delays the hypertrophic growth of muscle fibers.(AU)

O objetivo do presente estudo é investigar o efeito de diferentes períodos de jejum alimentar e realimentação nas respostas compensatórias em alevinos de tilápias-do-Nilo, e a frequência de distribuição das fibras musculares. Foram utilizados 108 alevinos de tilápia-do-Nilo com peso inicial de 1,64±0,41 g e comprimento inicial médio de 3,60 ± 0,39 cm, durante um período de 55 dias. Os peixes foram distribuídos em um sistema de recirculação de água, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos e quatro repetições: Controle - CO - (peixes alimentados até a saciedade aparente durante todo período experimental); jejum 10 - J10 - (peixes alimentados até a saciedade aparente por 15 dias, seguidos de 10 dias de jejum e realimentação até a saciedade por 30 dias); e jejum 15 - J15 - (peixes alimentados até a saciedade aparente por 15 dias, seguidos de 15 dias de jejum e realimentação até a saciedade por 25 dias). Os peixes do tratamento J15 apresentaram resultados insatisfatórios de desempenho produtivo (p<0,05), como menor peso final, conversão alimentar aparente, taxa de eficiência proteica e sobrevivência, enquanto os peixes do tratamento J10, atingiram os mesmos resultados daqueles animais mantidos no tratamento CO, com exceção das variáveis de ganho em peso relativo e do consumo de ração. A restrição alimentar influenciou diretamente no crescimento das fibras musculares com diâmetro menor que 20 µm (p<0,05), sendo que os peixes do tratamento J15 apresentaram a menor frequência de fibras nesta classe de diâmetro. Conclui-se que a restrição alimentar em curtos períodos (10 dias) e em temperaturas amenas podem apresentar um crescimento compensatório, alterando o processo de hiperplasia e hipertrofia das fibras musculares, sem afetar a morfologia das fibras, entretanto, 15 dias de jejum e sob temperaturas amenas não ocorre uma compensação no crescimento e atrasa o crescimento hipertrófico das fibras musculares.(AU)

Animais , Ciclídeos/fisiologia , Dietoterapia/veterinária , Jejum/fisiologia , Células Musculares
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e54237, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366549


The study investigated meat quality of bulls fed concentrate feeds and hay. The treatments were hay ad libitum + dried cafeteria leftover 4 kg DM d-1(D1); hay ad libitum+ wheat bran 4 kg DM d-1(D2); hay ad libitum+ 4 maize grain 4 kg DM d-1(D3); hay ad libitum+ mix 4 kg DM d-1(1:1, wheat bran to maize grain, respectively (D4)); hay ad libitum+ scrambled whole groundnut 4 kg DM d-1(D5); and hay ad libitum+ mix of each ingredient 4 kg DM d-1(D6)). Samples from longissimus lumborum muscle were taken in triplicate. Beef from bulls fed D5 had highest (p < 0.05) protein and fat than those fed other treatments. However, bulls finished in D3 had similar fat to those fed with whole ground nut. Highest meat tenderness (p < 0.05) recorded at 24thfollowed by 16thd than those aged on other periods. Beef from D6 produced lean meat, which is acceptable to consumer and market demand than D3, produced carcass with highest fat coverage This study confirmed that meat from D6 had an acceptable quality attribute suggesting the breed could serve as a potential source in red meat industry.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Fibras na Dieta , Ração Animal/análise , Carne
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20220061, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442979


The productive traits of beef cattle are orchestrated by their genetics, postnatal environmental conditions, and also by the intrauterine background. Both under- or overnutrition, as specific dietary components, are able to promote persistent effects on the offspring. This occurs because dietary factors act not only affecting the availability of substrates for fetal anabolism and oxidative metabolism, but also as signals that regulate several events toward fetal development. Therefore, this study aimed to summarize the gestational nutrition effects on the offspring performance and meat quality in a long term. Overall, studies have shown that many of these alterations are under the control of epigenetic mechanisms, as DNA methylation, histones modification, and non-coding RNA. The current knowledge has indicated that the fetal programming responses are dependent on the window of fetal development in which the dietary treatment is applied, the intensity of maternal nutritional stimuli, and the treatment application length. Collectively, studies demonstrated that muscle cell hyperplasia is impaired when maternal requirements were not achieved in the second third of gestation, which limits the formation of a greater number of muscle fibers and the offspring growth potential in a long term. Changes in muscle fibers metabolism and in collagen content were also reported as consequence of a dietary perturbation during pregnancy. In contrast, a maternal overnutrition during the late pregnancy has been associated with beneficial responses on meat quality. In summary, ensuring an adequate maternal environment during the fetal development is crucial to enhance the productive responses in beef cattle operations.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos/fisiologia , Adipogenia/fisiologia , Carne/análise , Cuidado Pré-Natal/métodos
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487690


ABSTRACT: This study describes the spontaneous and experimental salinomycin poisoning associated with the use of florfenicol and warns about the effects of the administration of antibiotics to animals that receive ionophores in the feed as growth promoters. A batch with 1,200 finishing pigs fed a diet containing 30ppm of salinomycin received florfenicol (60ppm via feed) to control respiratory diseases. Twenty-seven pigs had difficulty walking, tip-toe walking, muscle tremors, and anorexia seven days after the start of treatment. Twenty-two animals died, 10 recovered, and two were sent to the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of CAV-UDESC to be necropsied. The experimental reproduction of the disease was carried out to clarify the possible influence of florfenicol on salinomycin poisoning using 12 pigs divided into four groups with three animals each, treated for 16 days with diets containing no additives (Group 1), 50ppm of salinomycin (Group 2), 40ppm of florfenicol (Group 3), and 50ppm of salinomycin and 40ppm of florfenicol (Group 4). Only animals in Group 4 became ill. The clinical disease was reproduced from the ingestion of 24.67mg/kg/LW of salinomycin and 19.74mg/kg/LW of florfenicol. Both natural and experimental salinomycin poisoning associated with the use of florfenicol caused a condition of myopathy characterized in histology by hyaline degeneration and floccular necrosis of skeletal fibers, with macrophage infiltrate, associated with the figures of regeneration in skeletal muscles and multifocal areas of the proliferation of fibroblasts, being more intense in the longissimus dorsi and semimembranosus muscles. Therefore, florfenicol can cause the accumulation of ionophore salinomycin in the animal organism, resulting in a condition of toxic myopathy.

RESUMO: O presente trabalho descreve as intoxicações espontânea e experimental por salinomicina associada ao uso de florfenicol e alerta sobre os efeitos da administração de antibióticos aos animais que recebem ionóforos na ração como promotores de crescimento. Um lote com 1.200 suínos em fase de terminação, alimentados com ração contendo 30ppm de salinomicina, recebeu florfenicol (60ppm via ração) para o controle de doenças respiratórias. Sete dias após o início do tratamento, 27 suínos apresentaram dificuldade de locomoção, caminhar em brasa, tremores musculares e anorexia. Vinte e dois animais morreram, 10 recuperaram-se e dois foram encaminhados ao Laboratório de Patologia Animal (CAV-UDESC) para serem necropsiados. Para esclarecer a possível influência do florfenicol na toxicidade da salinomicina foi realizada a reprodução experimental da doença utilizando 12 suínos, divididos em 4 grupos com 3 animais cada, tratados por 16 dias com rações contendo: Grupo 1 = sem aditivos, Grupo 2 = 50ppm de salinomicina, Grupo 3 = 40ppm de florfenicol e Grupo 4 = 50ppm de salinomicina e 40ppm de florfenicol. Somente os animais do Grupo 4 adoeceram. A doença clínica foi reproduzida a partir da ingestão de 24,67mg/kg/PV de salinomicina e 19,74 mg/kg/PV de florfenicol. Tanto a intoxicação natural quanto a experimental por salinomicina associada ao uso de florfenicol provocaram um quadro de miopatia caracterizado na histologia por degeneração hialina e necrose flocular das fibras esqueléticas, com infiltrado macrofágico, associada às figuras de regeneração na musculatura esquelética e áreas multifocais de proliferação de fibroblastos, sendo mais intensas nos músculos longissimus dorsi e semimembranoso. Conclui-se que, o florfenicol tem a capacidade de ocasionar o acúmulo do ionóforo salinomicina no organismo animal, resultando em um quadro de miopatia tóxica.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 805, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401354


Background: Macracantorhincosis is a zoonotic disease resulting from inadequate sanitary conditions, which occurs in pigs infected by acanthocephalic helminths called Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus. The eggs of these parasites are resistant to cold, high temperatures and can survive up to 3 years in the soil. They are consumed by dung beetles of the Scarabeidae family causing the parasite to evolve into its infective form, the cystacanth. The pig becomes infected after ingestion of either larvae or adult forms of these coleoptera. This work describes a case report of macracantorhincosis found in a pig from the canton of Zaruma located in the province of El Oro, Ecuador. Case: One sow, approximately 24-month-old, weighing 30 kg, presented cachexia, muscle weakness, pale oral and ocular mucosa and a body temperature above 39.4°C. The animal had a bulge on the ventral side of the neck, which evolved causing progressive discomfort to the point that the animal stopped eating. The sow was dewormed for 3 consecutive days. Fifteen days later, the animal had convulsions and muscle tremors, and died some hours after the symptoms started. During necropsy procedure, pale digestive tract membranes and nodules with fibrin were observed in the small intestine (jejunum), which was incised and the presence of parasites adhered to the granulomas detected. Two granulomas for morphological and histological studies and stool samples for coproparasitic test were collected. The collected parasites were fixed in a 10% buffered formalin solution, cross-sections were made and routinely processed for histological studies. The 5 µm thick sections were stained using the hematoxylin and eosin (HE) technique. The parasite's action involves perforation of the intestinal wall though its proboscis causing peritonitis and enteritis. Other conditions in intestinal dissection such as necrotic areas, inflammation of the submucosa and adult parasites adhered to the intestinal mucosa were also observed. The coproparasitic examination was performed using the flotation and sedimentation techniques. The coproparasitic test detected dark colored feces, semi-solid consistency and the presence of Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceu eggs. In the histological evaluation of the cross section of the parasite, the presence of circular and longitudinal muscle fibers and lemniscus with their constrictor muscles was observed. Cuticle, hypodermis with tapered fibers and a large number of developing mature eggs were also reported. Discussion: There is no pathognomonic symptomatology about this parasitosis and peritonitis can be generated by intestinal perforations. The findings at necropsy were ulcerations, inflammation in the small intestine and the presence of numerous nodules in the serous layer, where there was penetration of the parasite's proboscis. When fixed to the mucosa, these parasites cause ulcerations, inflammation and necrosis in the wall of the small intestine. The hypodermic layer is thicker than the muscular layer and the presence of leminis with their constricting muscles are typical features of acanthocephalus. It is considered appropriate to carry out epidemiological studies on the prevalence of the parasite Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus at pig farming system in the region, in order to determine the main risk factors. In Ecuador, cases of this disease in humans have not yet been reported, but have already been described in other countries, so the presence of this parasite in family swine farming may be considered a zoonotic-type risk factor.

Animais , Feminino , Suínos/parasitologia , Acantocéfalos/isolamento & purificação , Zoonoses/diagnóstico , Equador
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(8): e20210472, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364728


Intracranial lipomatous hamartomas are considered a non-invasive, benign lesion formed by well-differentiated adipocytes with or without capsules. A necropsy of an ewe presenting apathy, hypokinesis, anorexia, and adipsia revealed a soft, whitish, oval, pendular nodule approximately 6 mm long in the bulb region, located in the pontocerebellum. Histopathological assessments revealed a benign lesion formed mainly by well-differentiated adipocytes, fibrocytes, myelinated nervous fibers, and skeletal striated muscle, characterizing an intracranial lipomatous hamartoma. This is the first report of this condition in sheep.

O hamartoma lipomatoso intracraniano é considerado uma lesão benigna não invasiva formada por adipócitos bem diferenciados com ou sem cápsulas. A necropsia de uma ovelha com apatia, hipocinesia, anorexia e adipsia revelou um nódulo pendular oval, macio, esbranquiçado, de aproximadamente 6 mm de comprimento na região do bulbo, localizado no pontocerebelo. A histopatologia revelou lesão proliferativa formada principalmente por adipócitos bem diferenciados, fibrócitos, fibras nervosas mielinizadas e músculo estriado esquelético caracterizando hamartoma lipomatoso intracraniano. Este é o primeiro relato da condição em ovelhas.

Animais , Ovinos/anormalidades , Cerebelo/lesões , Cerebelo/patologia , Hamartoma/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e06839, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487686


This study describes the spontaneous and experimental salinomycin poisoning associated with the use of florfenicol and warns about the effects of the administration of antibiotics to animals that receive ionophores in the feed as growth promoters. A batch with 1,200 finishing pigs fed a diet containing 30ppm of salinomycin received florfenicol (60ppm via feed) to control respiratory diseases. Twenty-seven pigs had difficulty walking, tip-toe walking, muscle tremors, and anorexia seven days after the start of treatment. Twenty-two animals died, 10 recovered, and two were sent to the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of CAV-UDESC to be necropsied. The experimental reproduction of the disease was carried out to clarify the possible influence of florfenicol on salinomycin poisoning using 12 pigs divided into four groups with three animals each, treated for 16 days with diets containing no additives (Group 1), 50ppm of salinomycin (Group 2), 40ppm of florfenicol (Group 3), and 50ppm of salinomycin and 40ppm of florfenicol (Group 4). Only animals in Group 4 became ill. The clinical disease was reproduced from the ingestion of 24.67mg/kg/LW of salinomycin and 19.74mg/kg/LW of florfenicol. Both natural and experimental salinomycin poisoning associated with the use of florfenicol caused a condition of myopathy characterized in histology by hyaline degeneration and floccular necrosis of skeletal fibers, with macrophage infiltrate, associated with the figures of regeneration in skeletal muscles and multifocal areas of the proliferation of fibroblasts, being more intense in the longissimus dorsi and semimembranosus muscles. Therefore, florfenicol can cause the accumulation of ionophore salinomycin in the animal organism, resulting in a condition of toxic myopathy.

O presente trabalho descreve as intoxicações espontânea e experimental por salinomicina associada ao uso de florfenicol e alerta sobre os efeitos da administração de antibióticos aos animais que recebem ionóforos na ração como promotores de crescimento. Um lote com 1.200 suínos em fase de terminação, alimentados com ração contendo 30ppm de salinomicina, recebeu florfenicol (60ppm via ração) para o controle de doenças respiratórias. Sete dias após o início do tratamento, 27 suínos apresentaram dificuldade de locomoção, "caminhar em brasa", tremores musculares e anorexia. Vinte e dois animais morreram, 10 recuperaram-se e dois foram encaminhados ao Laboratório de Patologia Animal (CAV-UDESC) para serem necropsiados. Para esclarecer a possível influência do florfenicol na toxicidade da salinomicina foi realizada a reprodução experimental da doença utilizando 12 suínos, divididos em 4 grupos com 3 animais cada, tratados por 16 dias com rações contendo: Grupo 1 = sem aditivos, Grupo 2 = 50ppm de salinomicina, Grupo 3 = 40ppm de florfenicol e Grupo 4 = 50ppm de salinomicina e 40ppm de florfenicol. Somente os animais do Grupo 4 adoeceram. A doença clínica foi reproduzida a partir da ingestão de 24,67mg/kg/PV de salinomicina e 19,74 mg/kg/PV de florfenicol. Tanto a intoxicação natural quanto a experimental por salinomicina associada ao uso de florfenicol provocaram um quadro de miopatia caracterizado na histologia por degeneração hialina e necrose flocular das fibras esqueléticas, com infiltrado macrofágico, associada às figuras de regeneração na musculatura esquelética e áreas multifocais de proliferação de fibroblastos, sendo mais intensas nos músculos longissimus dorsi e semimembranoso. Conclui-se que, o florfenicol tem a capacidade de ocasionar o acúmulo do ionóforo salinomicina no organismo animal, resultando em um quadro de miopatia tóxica.

Animais , Antibacterianos/toxicidade , Intoxicação/veterinária , Ionóforos/toxicidade , Miotoxicidade/etiologia , Sus scrofa , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal , Transtornos Respiratórios/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e06839, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1356554


This study describes the spontaneous and experimental salinomycin poisoning associated with the use of florfenicol and warns about the effects of the administration of antibiotics to animals that receive ionophores in the feed as growth promoters. A batch with 1,200 finishing pigs fed a diet containing 30ppm of salinomycin received florfenicol (60ppm via feed) to control respiratory diseases. Twenty-seven pigs had difficulty walking, tip-toe walking, muscle tremors, and anorexia seven days after the start of treatment. Twenty-two animals died, 10 recovered, and two were sent to the Laboratory of Animal Pathology of CAV-UDESC to be necropsied. The experimental reproduction of the disease was carried out to clarify the possible influence of florfenicol on salinomycin poisoning using 12 pigs divided into four groups with three animals each, treated for 16 days with diets containing no additives (Group 1), 50ppm of salinomycin (Group 2), 40ppm of florfenicol (Group 3), and 50ppm of salinomycin and 40ppm of florfenicol (Group 4). Only animals in Group 4 became ill. The clinical disease was reproduced from the ingestion of 24.67mg/kg/LW of salinomycin and 19.74mg/kg/LW of florfenicol. Both natural and experimental salinomycin poisoning associated with the use of florfenicol caused a condition of myopathy characterized in histology by hyaline degeneration and floccular necrosis of skeletal fibers, with macrophage infiltrate, associated with the figures of regeneration in skeletal muscles and multifocal areas of the proliferation of fibroblasts, being more intense in the longissimus dorsi and semimembranosus muscles. Therefore, florfenicol can cause the accumulation of ionophore salinomycin in the animal organism, resulting in a condition of toxic myopathy.(AU)

O presente trabalho descreve as intoxicações espontânea e experimental por salinomicina associada ao uso de florfenicol e alerta sobre os efeitos da administração de antibióticos aos animais que recebem ionóforos na ração como promotores de crescimento. Um lote com 1.200 suínos em fase de terminação, alimentados com ração contendo 30ppm de salinomicina, recebeu florfenicol (60ppm via ração) para o controle de doenças respiratórias. Sete dias após o início do tratamento, 27 suínos apresentaram dificuldade de locomoção, "caminhar em brasa", tremores musculares e anorexia. Vinte e dois animais morreram, 10 recuperaram-se e dois foram encaminhados ao Laboratório de Patologia Animal (CAV-UDESC) para serem necropsiados. Para esclarecer a possível influência do florfenicol na toxicidade da salinomicina foi realizada a reprodução experimental da doença utilizando 12 suínos, divididos em 4 grupos com 3 animais cada, tratados por 16 dias com rações contendo: Grupo 1 = sem aditivos, Grupo 2 = 50ppm de salinomicina, Grupo 3 = 40ppm de florfenicol e Grupo 4 = 50ppm de salinomicina e 40ppm de florfenicol. Somente os animais do Grupo 4 adoeceram. A doença clínica foi reproduzida a partir da ingestão de 24,67mg/kg/PV de salinomicina e 19,74 mg/kg/PV de florfenicol. Tanto a intoxicação natural quanto a experimental por salinomicina associada ao uso de florfenicol provocaram um quadro de miopatia caracterizado na histologia por degeneração hialina e necrose flocular das fibras esqueléticas, com infiltrado macrofágico, associada às figuras de regeneração na musculatura esquelética e áreas multifocais de proliferação de fibroblastos, sendo mais intensas nos músculos longissimus dorsi e semimembranoso. Conclui-se que, o florfenicol tem a capacidade de ocasionar o acúmulo do ionóforo salinomicina no organismo animal, resultando em um quadro de miopatia tóxica.(AU)

Animais , Intoxicação/veterinária , Sus scrofa , Miotoxicidade/etiologia , Ionóforos/toxicidade , Antibacterianos/toxicidade , Transtornos Respiratórios/veterinária , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 841, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415202


Background: Snakebite envenoming is a condition that affects humans and domestic animals worldwide. Identification of the snake species involved in the envenomation is infrequent. Bothrops envenomation presents typical clinicopathological features. This report describes epidemiological, clinical, and pathological data of 2 cases of Bothrops envenomation in dogs, including the first case of Bothrops moojeni snake striking a domestic animal in Brazil. Cases: Case 1. A dog was witnessed to have a Bothrops moojeni snakebite on a farm. In the first 24 h, acute lameness, pain, diffuse swelling, focal bleeding at the left forelimb, and increased whole-blood clotting time were observed in the envenomed dog. Polyvalent antivenom was administered in addition to fluid therapy, analgesics, corticosteroids, and antibiotics. On the 5th day, the animal presented spontaneous bleeding at the wound site, thrombocytopenia, and increased whole-blood clotting time. An additional dose of polyvalent antivenom was administered, and local treatment at the snakebite site was initiated. After 13 days, the dog showed no clinical or laboratory changes and recovered entirely. Case 2. A mongrel dog was taken for a necropsy to determine the cause of death. Grossly, major findings included swelling in the nasal plane that extended to the neck and dissecting hemorrhage in the subcutaneous tissue and adjacent musculature. Hemorrhages were observed in the heart, parietal pleura, left forelimb, lumbar region, and perirenal tissue. Marked necrosis and disruption of small blood vessels and lymphatics within the deep dermis and subcutaneous tissue were the main microscopic findings close to the snakebite site. Additionally, degeneration and necrosis of muscle fibers and dissecting hemorrhage were observed in the head and neck tissues surrounding the snakebite site. Kidneys showed marked interstitial hemorrhage and acute tubular nephrosis. Discussion: Bothrops envenoming is characterized by local (hemorrhage, dermonecrosis, and myonecrosis) and systemic (coagulative disorders, systemic hemorrhage, and acute kidney injury) changes due to the effect of the main venom components such as phospholipase A2 and metalloproteinases. These changes are hallmarks for the bothropic envenomation, supporting the diagnosis in cases 1 and 2. In case 1, the dog developed a Bothrops moojeni snakebite envenomation, but the immediate treatment with antivenom allowed a favorable outcome. In case 2, gross and microscopic findings supported the presumptive diagnosis of fatal bothropic envenomation. A marked local reaction such as swelling, pain, bleeding, bruising, and tissue necrosis was observed in case 1. In case 2, the most significant local changes were swelling and edema at the head and neck, hemorrhage in the subcutaneous tissue, and adjacent musculature. Systemic effects were observed clinically as spontaneous bleeding, thrombocytopenia, increased whole-blood clotting time (Case 1), systemic hemorrhages, and acute tubular nephrosis (Case 2). A proper treatment probably prevented the development of acute renal failure in Case 1. Herein, we show the first case of accidental snakebite envenomation by B. moojeni in a dog in Brazil. Information is scarce on the identification of venomous snake species striking domestic animals. Fast detection of well-determined clinical and pathological findings of Bothrops envenomation is essential for a correct diagnosis, therapeutics, and a good prognosis, even in cases with an unknown history.

Animais , Cães , Mordeduras de Serpentes/fisiopatologia , Mordeduras de Serpentes/veterinária , Inibidores dos Fatores de Coagulação Sanguínea/análise , Venenos de Crotalídeos/toxicidade , Bothrops
Acta cir. bras ; 36(3): e360305, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1284907


ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate the effect of creatine supplementation in the diet of rats subjected to ischemia and reperfusion of hind limbs. Methods Eighteen male Wistar rats were randomized to receive dietary creatine supplementation (G1) or no supplementation (G2), before being subjected to 4 h of ischemia followed by 4 h of reperfusion. In addition, 10 rats (G3) underwent the same surgical procedure, without ischemia, but with supplementation. After reperfusion, kidney and musculature were evaluated for histological damage and serum levels of alanine aminotransferase, urea and creatinine were obtained. Results The urea dosage showed significant differences between the groups (averages G1 = 155.1; G2 = 211.27; G3 = 160.42). Histological analysis found significant differences between G1 and G2 (but not between G1 and G3) in renal myoglobin cylinders and vacuolar degeneration variables and in hypereosinophilia and karyopyknosis variables in muscle fibers. There were no significant differences in the other variables studied. Conclusions Creatine supplementation was related to fewer histological lesions, as well as lower levels of plasma urea, which may suggest a protective effect against lesions caused by ischemia and reperfusion of posterior paws muscles in Wistar rats.

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Traumatismo por Reperfusão/prevenção & controle , Creatina , Reperfusão , Ratos Wistar , Músculo Esquelético , Suplementos Nutricionais , Dieta , Isquemia , Rim
Acta cir. bras ; 36(11): e361103, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1349872


ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare the penile histoarchitecture of rats euthanized with isoflurane or with ketamine and xylazine. Methods: Fourteen male rats were divided into two groups: ISO, with animals euthanized with isoflurane; and K+X, with animals euthanized with ketamine (150 mg/kg) associated with xylazine (15 mg/kg). Immediately after the death, the penises were dissected, fixed in a 4% buffered formalin solution, and processed for histomorphometric analysis. The surface densities (Sv) of the corpus cavernosum structures (connective tissue, smooth muscle, sinusoidal space, and elastic fibers) were evaluated using Image J software. The distribution of collagen types I and III was qualitatively assessed. Statistical analyses were performed using the Student's t test for data comparison, considering it statistically significant when p < 0.05. Results: Regarding the Sv of connective tissue, smooth muscle and sinusoidal space, there were no differences between animals in both groups. On the other hand, the animals euthanized with the association of ketamine and xylazine showed the Sv of elastic fibers 24.8% higher in relation to animals euthanized with isoflurane. Conclusions: The euthanasia method affected one of the morphological parameters of the rat penises. The choice of euthanasia method must be standardized to reduce bias and to obtain reliable and reproducible results.

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Pênis , Ketamina , Xilazina , Tecido Elástico , Isoflurano
Ci. Rural ; 51(2)2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-763443


Canine visceral leishmaniasis is a systemic, zoonotic disease widely spread in several countries. The disease is caused by Leishmania spp., and the dog is the main reservoir of this parasite. Clinical signs in the muscle skeletal system consist of muscle atrophy, weakness, lameness, abnormal locomotion, osteitis, polyarthritis, heat and swelling of the joints, enlarged local lymph nodes and pain. In this note, a case of canine myositis of the lumbar region associated with Leishmania spp. infection is reported. Clinical signs included weakness, fever, mild dehydration, enlarged mandibular, pre-scapular and popliteal lymph nodes and a large palpable soft mass in the lumbar region, semi-adhered and not painful. Serologic diagnosis resulted reagent by indirect immunofluorescence reaction method. Findings of ultrasonography of the lower back are described, revealing the misalignment of muscle fibers, interspersed with anechoic areas compatible with edema. Local fine needle aspiration cytology was crucial for a definitive diagnosis, revealing amastigote forms. In endemic areas of leishmaniasis, clinicians should consider this disease as a differential diagnosis in the presence of musculoskeletal injuries with no apparent cause.(AU)

A leishmaniose canina visceral é uma doença sistêmica, zoonótica e amplamente difundida causada por parasitas do gênero Leishmania spp., sendo o cão importante hospedeiro. Os sinais clínicos de leishmaniose no sistema músculo esquelético se constituem em atrofia muscular, fraqueza, claudicação, locomoção anormal, osteíte, poliartrite, hipertermia, dor e edema das articulações. A presente nota descreve um caso de miosite lombar em cão associada à infecção por Leishmania spp. Os sinais clínicos incluíram fraqueza, febre, desidratação leve, aumento dos linfonodos mandibulares, pré-escapulares e poplíteos e uma grande massa macia palpável na região lombar, semi-aderida e não dolorosa. O diagnóstico sorológico resultou em reagente pelo método da reação de imunofluorescência indireta totalmente diluída. Os achados da ultrassonografia da região lombar são descritos, revelando o desalinhamento das fibras musculares, intercaladas com áreas anecóicas, compatíveis com edema. A citologia local de aspiração por agulha fina foi crucial para o diagnóstico definitivo, revelando formas amastigotas. Nas áreas endêmicas da leishmaniose, deve-se considerar esta doença como diagnóstico diferencial na presença de lesões musculoesqueléticas sem causa aparente.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Leishmaniose/diagnóstico , Leishmaniose/tratamento farmacológico , Leishmaniose/prevenção & controle , Leishmaniose/veterinária , Miosite/diagnóstico por imagem , Miosite/veterinária
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 15(1): 9-14, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453250


Hematuria is a relatively common manifestation in dogs and cats when secondary with urinary tract disorders, such as bacterial cystitis and urolithiasis, your treatment is limited to treatment of the primary cause. However, when the hematuria is persistent or capable of causing significant haematological disorders, other causes less common should to be investigated. A 12-year-old, male pit bull dog, was admitted presenting intense hematuria for the last 10 days. Laboratory tests showed intense normocytic and normochromic anemia, hypoalbuminemia and albuminuria associated with intense hematuria. The ultrasound images reveled presence of structures compatible with blood clots and increased wall thickness and irregularity of urinary bladder. The bladder wash cytology suggested chronic cystitis. Due to results of de laboratory tests and bladder US images, started treatment which antibiotic therapy associated with blood transfusions were maintained until histopathology results. During the biopsy surgery it was observed The bladder wall was thicker and richly vascularized, with normal elasticity and absence of masses or polyps on the inner and outer wall. Histopathological examination revealed thickening of the muscular layer, hemorrhage and diffuse hyperemia between muscle fibers and lamina propria, intact and ruptured capillaries filled with red blood cells, and a discrete multifoc

A hematúria é uma manifestação relativamente comum em cães e gatos quando secundária a distúrbios do trato urinário, tais como cistite bacteriana e urolitíase, sendo seu tratamento limitado à eliminação da causa primária. Entretanto, quando a hematúria é persistente ou capaz de causar distúrbios hematológicos significativos, outras causas menos comuns devem ser investigadas. Um cão, pit bull, macho de 12 anos de idade deu entrada no Hospital Veterinário da xxx com queixa principal de acentuado sangramento urinário há 10 dias. Os exames laboratoriais mostraram anemia normocítica e normo-crômica e hipoalbuminemia, associadas à proteinúria e hematúria intensa. As imagens ultrassonográficas revelaram à presença de estruturas compatíveis com coágulos sanguíneos e aumento da espessura e irregularidade da parede da bexiga, e a citologia do lavado vesical sugeriu cistite crônica. Com os resultados dos exames laboratoriais e de imagem, iniciaram-se os tratamentos com antibioticoterapia associados às transfusões sanguíneas, e o animal foi encaminhado para a biopsia de bexiga. Durante o procedimento cirúrgico, observou-se que a parede vesical apresentava-se espessa e ricamente vascularizada, com elasticidade normal e ausência de massas ou pólipos nas faces interna e externa. O exame histopatológico revelou tratar-se de cistite hemor-rágica linfoplasmocitária, uma doença rara e muito agressiva, a qual apresenta descrições semelhantes em seres humanos, mas ainda não descrita em cães.

Animais , Cães , Cistite/microbiologia , Cães , Hematúria/microbiologia , Inflamação
Acta Vet. bras. ; 15(1): 9-14, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30662


Hematuria is a relatively common manifestation in dogs and cats when secondary with urinary tract disorders, such as bacterial cystitis and urolithiasis, your treatment is limited to treatment of the primary cause. However, when the hematuria is persistent or capable of causing significant haematological disorders, other causes less common should to be investigated. A 12-year-old, male pit bull dog, was admitted presenting intense hematuria for the last 10 days. Laboratory tests showed intense normocytic and normochromic anemia, hypoalbuminemia and albuminuria associated with intense hematuria. The ultrasound images reveled presence of structures compatible with blood clots and increased wall thickness and irregularity of urinary bladder. The bladder wash cytology suggested chronic cystitis. Due to results of de laboratory tests and bladder US images, started treatment which antibiotic therapy associated with blood transfusions were maintained until histopathology results. During the biopsy surgery it was observed The bladder wall was thicker and richly vascularized, with normal elasticity and absence of masses or polyps on the inner and outer wall. Histopathological examination revealed thickening of the muscular layer, hemorrhage and diffuse hyperemia between muscle fibers and lamina propria, intact and ruptured capillaries filled with red blood cells, and a discrete multifoc

A hematúria é uma manifestação relativamente comum em cães e gatos quando secundária a distúrbios do trato urinário, tais como cistite bacteriana e urolitíase, sendo seu tratamento limitado à eliminação da causa primária. Entretanto, quando a hematúria é persistente ou capaz de causar distúrbios hematológicos significativos, outras causas menos comuns devem ser investigadas. Um cão, pit bull, macho de 12 anos de idade deu entrada no Hospital Veterinário da xxx com queixa principal de acentuado sangramento urinário há 10 dias. Os exames laboratoriais mostraram anemia normocítica e normo-crômica e hipoalbuminemia, associadas à proteinúria e hematúria intensa. As imagens ultrassonográficas revelaram à presença de estruturas compatíveis com coágulos sanguíneos e aumento da espessura e irregularidade da parede da bexiga, e a citologia do lavado vesical sugeriu cistite crônica. Com os resultados dos exames laboratoriais e de imagem, iniciaram-se os tratamentos com antibioticoterapia associados às transfusões sanguíneas, e o animal foi encaminhado para a biopsia de bexiga. Durante o procedimento cirúrgico, observou-se que a parede vesical apresentava-se espessa e ricamente vascularizada, com elasticidade normal e ausência de massas ou pólipos nas faces interna e externa. O exame histopatológico revelou tratar-se de cistite hemor-rágica linfoplasmocitária, uma doença rara e muito agressiva, a qual apresenta descrições semelhantes em seres humanos, mas ainda não descrita em cães.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães , Hematúria/microbiologia , Cistite/microbiologia , Inflamação
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 30(3): e003621, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1288706


Abstract The macroscopic, histological, and molecular aspects of Sarcocystis spp. were examined in the tissues of two cattle and four sheep, 16 and eight fragments analyzed respectively, condemned in the slaughterhouse. All 24 samples were collected and analyzed for detecting macrocysts and macroscopic lesions. Subsequently, subdivided for direct examination, polymerase chain reaction and histopathological examination. All sheep tissues samples had grossly white round to oval tissue cysts, ranging from 0.3 to 1 cm in diameter. In contrast, cattle tissues did not present grossly visible cysts but had randomly distributed white-yellow foci with irregular contours. All samples from cattle and sheep had microscopic cysts. In the histological examination of sheep tissues, circular to elongated, encapsulated, basophilic structures ranging from 30 to 3,000 µm in length and 20 to 1,000 µm in width were observed within the skeletal muscle fibers. In cattle tissues, all cardiac muscle four fragments analyzed contained circular to elongated basophilic structures inside cardiomyocytes and in some Purkinje fibers. PCR were performed using the primers: 2L and 3H. In conclusion, all 24 tissues were infected with Sarcocystis spp., and S. gigantea (in sheep) and S. cruzi (in cattle). were the identified species by sequencing.

Resumo Os aspectos macroscópicos, histológicos e moleculares de Sarcocystis spp. foram examinados nos tecidos de dois bovinos e quatro ovinos, 16 e oito fragmentos analisados, respectivamente, condenados no matadouro. Todas as 24 amostras foram coletadas e analisadas para detecção de macrocistos e lesões macroscópicas. Posteriormente, subdivididas para exame direto, reação em cadeia da polimerase e exame histopatológico. Todas as amostras de tecidos de ovelha apresentavam cistos grosseiramente visíveis, caracterizados como brancos, de redondos a ovais e estruturas variando de 0,3 a 1 cm de diâmetro. Em contraste, os tecidos de bovinos não apresentavam cistos grosseiramente visíveis, mas tinham focos branco-amarelos com contornos irregulares, distribuídos aleatoriamente. Todas as amostras de bovinos e ovinos apresentavam cistos microscópicos. No exame histológico de tecidos ovinos foram observadas estruturas basofílicas circulares a alongadas, encapsuladas, variando de 30 a 3.000 µm de comprimento e 20 a 1.000 µm de largura dentro das fibras do músculo esquelético. Nos tecidos de bovinos, todos os quatro fragmentos de músculo cardíaco analisados continham estruturas basofílicas circulares a alongadas, dentro dos cardiomiócitos e em algumas fibras de Purkinje. PCRs foram realizadas utilizando-se os "primers" 2L e 3H. Em conclusão, todos os 24 tecidos estavam infectados com Sarcocystis spp., sendo S. gigantea (em ovinos) e S. cruzi (em bovinos) as espécies identificadas por sequenciamento.

Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos/diagnóstico , Doenças dos Bovinos/diagnóstico , Sarcocystis/genética , Sarcocistose/diagnóstico , Sarcocistose/veterinária , Bovinos , Ovinos , Matadouros